Mayra Rodríguez

Yoga Teacher
Mayra is an inspiring reiki I and II practioner. She has been practicing yoga for over ten years.
Miami, FL 33129
(786) 567-8124

Mayra is an inspiring reiki I and II practioner. She has been practicing yoga for over ten years.
After taking several yoga classes, Mayra came to the realization that yoga is not just practice of asana but a life long journey. She received a yoga alliance certified 200 hr. power Vynasa hot yoga instrutor certification and continued her journey deeper into yoga. It wasn’t until she attended a Skanda adjustment workshop with Anand and Shadhana where she understood how much more there is to learn. Mayra then got certified as a 200hr Skanda Yoga instructor and has been teaching at the Brickell studio, inspiring her students to go deeper into their practice and enjoy the journey.

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at, neque. Vivamus eget nibh. Etiam cursus leo vel metus.

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  • Cursus eleifend elit
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